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The Science of Writing Down Your Goals

The science of journaling and goal setting

Have you ever heard the saying "what gets written gets done?" It's a popular phrase that highlights the importance of writing down our goals to increase the likelihood of achieving them. But why is this the case? What is it about the act of writing down our goals that makes them more likely to be achieved?

Writing down your goals daily makes you 42 percent more likely to achieve them.

According to scientific research, there are several reasons why writing down our goals can be so powerful.

Here are just a few of the key ways that writing down our goals can help us to achieve them:

  1. Writing down our goals helps us to clarify our thoughts and priorities: When we take the time to write down our goals, it forces us to clarify our thoughts and priorities. This process of clarifying our goals helps us to better understand what we want to achieve and why it is important to us.
  2. Writing down our goals helps us to break them down into smaller, more manageable steps: When we write down our goals, we can also break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. This process of breaking down our goals into smaller steps makes them seem more achievable and helps us to see a clear path forward.
  3. Writing down our goals helps us to stay accountable: When we write down our goals, we are more likely to stay accountable to ourselves and track our progress towards achieving them. This sense of accountability can help to keep us motivated and on track.
  4. Writing down our goals can help to activate our brains: Research has shown that writing down our goals can actually activate certain areas of our brains that are associated with planning and goal setting. This activation of these areas of the brain can help us to better focus on our goals and take the necessary steps to achieve them.

Overall, the science is clear: writing down our goals is an important step in the process of achieving them. By taking the time to clarify our thoughts, break down our goals into smaller steps, stay accountable, and activate certain areas of our brains, we can increase our chances of success and achieve the things that are most important to us.

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