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The Evolve journal gratitude journal and productivity planner

The Evolve Journal™

Gratitude Journal, Productivity Planner, Habit Tracker

Your journey starts here

Feel Happier 

Easy to use prompts designed to help practice morning and evening gratitude in less than 5 minutes a day. 

Stay Organised 

Boost productivity, get more done and make more money with our guided process based on the latest scientific research and timeless ancient wisdom. 
The evolve journey layout

Improve Health

Tracking habits helps you to make better decisions over time and stay consistent with the activities that mean the most to you.

Discover What Matters

Our free self-discovery course helps you discover what really matters to you in life and build a roadmap for how to get there. 
The evolve journey layout

Feel Happier 

Easy to use prompts designed to help practice morning and evening gratitude in less than 5 minutes a day. 

Stay Organised 

Boost productivity, get more done and make more money with our guided process based on the latest scientific research and timeless ancient wisdom. 

Improve Health

Tracking habits helps you to make better decisions over time and stay consistent with the activities that mean the most to you.

Discover What Matters

Our free self-discovery course helps you discover what really matters to you in life and build a roadmap for how to get there. 

The evolve journal for gratitude and wellness

This Is Your Call To Adventure. . .

Inspired by Joseph Campbell's 'The Hero's Journey' along with the teachings of Stoic philosophy combined with the latest scientific research the Evolve Journal is a tool to keep you grounded, improve your mental health and take your productivity to the next level. 

Sam and Freddie

Co-founders of The Evolve Journey™

If Someone Told You. . .

That you could buy a tool that would help you feel happier, build positive relationships
 and improve your finances in just 6 months for a few pence a day...
What would you do?